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Mackerel & Spicy Tomato Sauce Toastie


Have you ever craved for a healthy fish alternative to the traditional toasted sandwich, and in particular, one that doesn't contain cheese. Now, don't get me wrong, I love cheese. In all it's forms it is surely the favourite ingredient in any "hot" sandwich. 

However, this Mackerel & Spicy Tomato Sauce Toastie is a great alternative. It is quite simply packed full of flavour, is rich in healthy Omega3 and has to be one of the simplest to make.

These deep-filled sealed pockets of fishy joy are not for the faint-hearted as mackerel is one of the tastiest fishes out there, and when combined with a spicy tomato sauce, they provide a strong, powerful and delicious snack.

Mackerel & Spicy Tomato Sauce Toastie

Mackerel & Spicy Tomato Sauce Toastie

But what if I don't have all the ingredients to hand I hear you say. Well fear not! I am probably the world's worst when it comes to recipes as I never seem to have the correct spices or herbs, which means when I find a tasty recipe, I then have to make a special trip to buy the one or two elements of the recipe I am missing (hence the "unready" tag). But, as always, it is my mission to provide the simplest of snacks to make, and this surely falls into that category. 

The next time you are in your local supermarket, in the tinned goods aisle, you will see, multiple tins of tuna, sardines, anchovies and mackerel in a variety of olis and even sauces. Most supermarkets will have a range of branded or own brand tins of mackerel, either in oil or a tomato sauce. Also, in the case of mackerel, you will often find an option in spicy tomato sauce, which is all you need to make this delicious snack (apart from the bread of course). Yes, just one tin of "skinless and boneless mackerel fillets in spicy tomato sauce" and two slices of bread and you can make your self a delicious (and healthy) snack full of Omega3. 

You can of course opt to use the mackerel fillets in basic tomato sauce if you prefer, or if the "spicy" version is unavailable in your supermarket, you can always "spice up" the toamato sauce quite simply with a few drops of tobasco sauce mixed in.

What you will need for the perfect Mackerel & Spicy Tomato Sauce Toastie

I always use thick sliced bread, for me, the thicker the better. My preference is for white sliced, but a 50/50 white/wholemeal combination would work just as well. As there are literally only 3 main components to this sandwich (they are in the title) the toast becomes an integral part itself, and not merely just the slices that the filling goes between. Therefore "super toastie" or "extra thick" sliced loaves are the ones to go for.
For this recipe I have used an extra thick toastie white sliced loaf.

extra thick slices

As described above, this recipe simply requires a tin of shop bought mackerel, but preferably one already in a spicy tomato sauce. The one I have chosen for this sandwich is a supermarket own brand and is labelled as "skinless and boneless mackerel fillets in spicy tomato sauce". A quick look at the ingredients shows that the spicy sauce contains Coriander, Fenugreek Seeds, Cumin, Turmeric, Fennel, Chilli, Black Pepper, Cloves, Garlic, Caraway, Star AniseNutmeg, Paprika, All SpiceCinnamon and Ginger. Imagine having a recipe where you have to have all those to hand and mix together, whereas this all comes prepared in a ring pull tin, ready to go.

skinless and boneless mackerel fillets in spicy tomato sauce

The only other ingredient that you may find necessary is a large spoonful of tomato puree. When flaking the mackerel fillets into a bowl, if the sauce is a little wet, the tomato puree will help bind the flakes of mackerel into a stiffer consistency.

The Recipe

The Mackerel & Spicy Tomato Sauce Toastie

  • 3-in-1 snack maker with sealed toastie plates

COOKING TIME : 6 minutes (approx.)

  • 4 slices extra thick toastie white bread or similar
  • 10g butter or similar
  • 2 x 120g tins of skinless and boneless mackerel fillets in spicy tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato puree (as required)


 For more information on weights, measures and simple conversions in both metric, imperial (and US) read ... DO SPOONS, MILLILITRES AND CUPS ACTUALLY MEASURE UP?

  1. Turn on the snack maker
  2. While the appliance is heating up gather all the ingredients to hand.
  3. Break up the mackerel fillets into flakes in a bowl and add tomato puree to the sauce if required
  4. Butter one side of each of the 4 slices of bread
  5. When ready, place 2 slices butter side down on bottom plate
  6. Form a recess with the back of a spoon in the shape of the plate (be careful as the plate is hot)
  7. Spoon equal amounts of the mackerel flakes and sauce into the recesses formed.
  8. Place the remaing 2 slices of bread on top with the buttered side uppermost
  9. Close the top plate and click the handles to lock in place
  10. Cook for approximately 6 minutes or until golden

Butter one side of each slicetin of mackerelmackerel flaked

flaked mackerel in sauce

Making the perfect toastie

The "deep fill" plates on most toastie makers give a more even golden finish when amply filled but can cook unevenly when under-filled. To this end, I prefer to use a whole tin of mackarel fillets in each sandwch. This provides a full, deep snack and don't worry, each 120g tin is only around 200 calories and is rich in healthy Omega3 too!

I place the bottom slices of bread onto the bottom plate when the appliance is ready, to then create a recess with the back of a spoon for the fillings. However, you will need to work quickly as the buttered bottom slice will start cooking immediately and the top slice will only start to cook when the lid is closed.

You can of course assemble the whole thing first and then lift into place. Either way, be aware that the plates are very hot.

Once your toastie is cooked, switch off the appliance at the socket. NEVER lift your finished toastie out with your fingers. The plates will still be extremely hot! Always use wood or plastic tools. I use a plastic fish slice and the toastie comes away from the non-stick surface easily. 

deep filled mackerel toastie

Or you could try...

As we have stated previously, it is not always possible to find skinless and boneless mackerel fillets in spicy tomato sauce, but mackerel in tomato sauce is invariably available. This can make a perfectly tasty toastie as it is by following the same steps, but if you were really after the "spicy" version but could only find the plain tomato sauce variety, you could always add a few drops of tabasco sauce to give it a "kick".  However, don't go overboard with the tabasco as you want to taste the mackerel and tomato, and not just a fiery burning sensation with every bite.

You could even try a tin of flaked tuna instead of the mackerel, and make your own tomato sauce to accompany this, but not too spicy as tuna has not as strong a flavour as mackerel. 

Perfect with...

The Mackerel & Spicy Tomato Sauce Toastie is perfect on it's own as a snack or simply add some fresh baby salad leaves, or lettuce and cucumber with a light dressing, to create a quick tasty lunch for two.

How does your sandwich maker compare?

Never be afraid to experiment, and remember you won't always get the perfect result first time, so if at first you don't succeed try, try and try again. It's great fun!

For most of the recipes shared here I use my trusty Tower Deep Fill 3-in-1 Sandwich Maker, so obviously you may need to adjust your ingredients slightly if you are using a different appliance. Having said that, most sandwich makers are very similar in design and size, and the amount of each filling is a guide only and you can increase or decrease, add or subtract, according to your personal taste.

If you want to check out some of the alternative 3-in-1 machines available check out our guide...
