Showing posts from December, 2021
Beans on toast! Is there anybody who doesn't love this childhood staple. Even as a student, I virtually lived on this cheap and quick meal when all you needed was some bread and a tin of baked beans to provide you with a good, wholesome meal full of fibre and protein. Now you can r…
Trending now
More Than Just Cheese Toasties
The Best Reasonably Priced 3-in-1 Sandwich Makers. If you would like to make your own t…
Tuna Tomato & Mozzarella Melt
The tuna melt grilled sandwich is surely one of the tastiest snacks of all time. A vari…

Easy Cooking - Tools Of The Trade - Issue 2
Easy Cooking : ISSUE # 2 Tools Of The Trade In the last issue I talked about…

Top 5 Easy Sandwiches To Make
Sandwiches are the perfect go-to meal for anyone who wants something quick, easy, and del…

English Cheddar Cheese
English cheddar cheese is a type of hard cheese that originated in the village of Cheddar…
BBC Good Food
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More Than Just Cheese Toasties
The Best Reasonably Priced 3-in-1 Sandwich Makers. If you would like to make your own t…

Top 5 Easy Sandwiches To Make
Sandwiches are the perfect go-to meal for anyone who wants something quick, easy, and del…

Love Italian: Easy Lasagne Recipe
Love Italian: Easy Lasagne Recipe When it comes to comfort food, few dishes can compa…

Easy Cooking - Tools Of The Trade - Issue 2
Easy Cooking : ISSUE # 2 Tools Of The Trade In the last issue I talked about…
The Unready Cook
A simple sandwich can have so many wonderful variety of fillings that the combinations are endless, and so I thought with a small investment in a toasted sandwich maker, I could set out some of my favourites that require just a few basic ingredients. Then I would always be "ready" when the mood (or hunger) takes me!..........
And so, these are the scribblings of The Unready Cook, as I began my mission to explore food and snacks, and to seek out new flavour combinations, chart my progress, and boldly go where no sandwich maker has gone before.......