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Showing posts from 2021

Tuna Tomato & Mozzarella Melt

The tuna melt grilled sandwich is surely one of the tastiest snacks of all time. A variety of the tuna melt can usually be found in the snack display of trendy coffe establshments everywhere, and you too can make this sumptious grilled delicacy at home with your 3-in-1 sandwich maker. T…

Baked Beans In Toastie

Beans on toast! Is there anybody who doesn't love this childhood staple. Even as a student, I virtually lived on this cheap and quick meal when all you needed was some bread and a tin of baked beans to provide you with a good, wholesome meal full of fibre and protein.  Now you can r…

The Cheddar Cheese Toastie

The cheddar cheese toastie evokes warm memories of a moment in time, back in the late 1970's when I first came across my first original "Breville" sandwich maker' In those days, a cheese toastie was as exotic as things got! Nowadays, there is so much more that you can …

Tuna Cheddar Melt with Green Pepper

The tuna melt grilled sandwich has to be one of my all time favourites. Just the thought of that crisp sandwiched packed full of creamy tuna and melted cheese is enough to drive anyone's taste buds wild! If you add in the deep flavour from a rich matured cheddar and some freshly cho…